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Village of Inman Proceedings (10-20-2022)

Oct 19, 2022 (0)

The Inman Village Board held their regular meeting at the Inman Community Center on September 27th, 2022 as published pursuant to Section 1-112 of the municipal code. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Inman board meetings have been changed to the last Tuesday of the month and time change to 7 p.m. The board was informed of the location of the Open meeting poster. 

Members present: Jacque Murray, Julie Engelbart, Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Fisher, Deb Morsbach and Sheila Carr Village Clerk. - Others present; Lonnie Doty, Randy Keil, Jimmy Ferris, Warren Couch.

Roll Call: All present

September 2022 Receipts:

Sewer Fees: Sewer, Fees Collected $671.50

Hall Rental: General, Hall Rental $150.00

Holt Cty Treasurer: General, Taxes $754.86

NPPD: General, Lease $1,439.53

Inman Township: General, Dumpsters $460.00

St of Nebraska: General, Hwy Allocation $2,245.49

Donation: General, Miscellaneous $50.00

Totals: $5,771.38

September 2022 Transfers:

General Account to Street Account: $561.37

Account Balances as of

September 27th, 2022:

Income: $1,115,537.54

Building permits issued $140.00

Donations $1,054.00

Equalization $196,076.96

Dumpster (township) $-87,244.26

Hwy Allocation $362,531.11

Incentive $1,425.00

NPPD Lease $235,516.00

Sewer Fees Collected $156,541.50

Taxes (Real Estate) $157,733.90

Transfer (Street) $91,763.33

Expenses: $1,042,117.85

Uncategorized $-84.35

General $-488,625.05

Reserve $8,413.94

Sewer $-136,843.52

Street $-424,978.87

Overall Total $73,419.69

A motion was made by Engelbart and 2nd by Sawyer to approve minutes, deposits and balance reports. (Aye:all)

Bills Due:

NPPD: General, Utilities $176.65

Street, Utilities $352.42

Sewer, Utilities $156.32

J&J Sanitation: General, Dumpsters $997.34

B.H. Energy: General, Utilities $37.38

Ogden Hardware: General, Main/repairs $36.58

K & K Welding: General, Main/repairs $109.87

Bomgaars: General, Main/repairs $83.86

Lonnie Doty: General, Porta-Pot $100.00

Holt County Independent: General, Advertising $175.71

Vicki Doty: General, Core $40.95

Bruce Bowman: General, Payroll $175.00

Julie Engelbart-Adams: General, Payroll $60.00

Jacque Murray: General, Payroll $60.00

Sherryl Sawyer: Sewer, Payroll $60.00

Deb Fisher: Street, Payroll $60.00

Sheila Carr: General, Payroll $170.00

Street, Payroll $170.00

Lonnie Doty: General, Payroll $585.00

Street, Payroll $450.00

Sewer, Payroll $45.00

EFT: General, Withholding $230.06

Street, Withholding $81.64

Sewer, Withholding $12.64

A motion was made by Murray and 2nd by Engelbart to approve all bill payments, all voted Aye.

New Business &

Continued Old Business:

1) Approval was given to remove the porta potty that was used for the playground/park, all voted aye.

2) Dumpsters will be removed for village cleanup effective October 1st, 2022, all voted aye.

3) Keys that have not been returned after stepping down from a board position or employee position were a concern, new locks may need to be put on the dump gates. Board will talk to Bruce Bowman, dump caretaker, concerning the matter of people using the dump that should not be.

4) Jim Ferris had concerns about a past bill issue, was needing legal counsel information and would like to have a copy of the village ordinances made into something the public could easily use or order. Also was concerned some of the streets needed more maintenance.

5) Kent Harte asked permission for a beer garden on October 8th, for a wedding, all voted aye on that matter.

Note: if any of you have issues with our village policies, a signature must be included on all letters or forms of correspondence for the board to recognize the issues/concerns. Thank you!

Motion by Sawyer, 2nd by Engelbart to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned: 7:42 p.m.

Sheila Carr/Village Clerk

Next meeting Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, 7:00 p.m.

Published October 20, 2022          42



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Village of Inman Proceedings (10-20-2022)

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