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Village of Inman Proceedings (08-15-2024)

Aug 13, 2024 (0)

Village of Inman meeting minutes For August 5th, 2024. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.  Open Meeting poster was pointed out. Roll Call Nicole Campbell, Kyle Campbell and Randy Keil. Absent Sherryl Sawyer. Minutes of the board meeting July1st 2024. Kyle Campbell made a motion to approve seconded by Randy Keil. All in favor. None opposed. Review of bills Nicole Campbell made a motion to approve seconded by Kyle Campbell. All in favor. Non opposed. Review of Treasurer report Kyle Campbell made a motion to approve seconded by Randy Keil. All in favor. None opposed. Trash to stay the same no changes made Nicole Campbell made a motion to keep it the same seconded by Kyle Campbell. All in favor. None opposed. Furnace motion was made by Kyle Campbell and Seconded by Randy Keil to except Fahrenholz bid. All in favor. Non opposed. Nicole Campbell made a motion to except Shad's electric for the furnace seconded by Kyle Campbell. All in favor non opposed. Kyle Campbell made a motion to except a building permit for Ehric Strope seconded by Randy Keil. All in favor. Non opposed. Kyle Campbell made a motion to except the Highway Revenue Resolution seconded by Randy Keil. All in favor. Non apposed. Nicole Campbell made a motion to except the resignation of Gwenda Decker Sterns as no longer the Village of Inman Clerk. Seconded by Kyle Campbell. All in favor. Non opposed. Nicole Campbell made a motion to except Dana Cole as the village accountant seconded by Randy Keil. All in favor. Non opposed. Kyle Campbell made a motion to renew the Village Insurance policy through Hammer Insurance seconded by Randy Keil. All on favor. Non opposed. Kyle Campbell made a motion to adjourn at 8:03 pm seconded by Randy Keil all in favor. Non opposed. Next Village of Inman Meeting will be held September 9th 2024 at 7:30 pm July Bills NPPD-$1232.78,K-M Telco-$85.69,Untited States Treasurer $417.69,Stephanie Bunner-$60.00, Holt County Independent -$64.80, Bomgaars-$12.74,Gwenda Decker-Sterns-$8.54,Waste Connections -$1119.02, Quick books-$684.70,Hammer Insurance-$9770.00, McAfee-$73.84, Nicole Campbell-$55.41, Kyle Campbell-$55.41 Randy Keil-$55.41, Sherryl Sawyer-$55.41, Bruce Bowman-$161.61, Gwenda Decker Sterns-$507.92, Adam Keil-$230.87

Published August 15, 2024          33



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Village of Inman Proceedings (08-15-2024)

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