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St. Mary's Carole Willis Honored By Archdiocese Of Omaha

Sep 11, 2024 (0)

CAROLE WILLIS, first grade teacher at St. Mary's Catholic School was announced as the 2024 Archdiocese of Omaha Rural Elementary Educator of the Year. Mrs. Willis has taught at St. Mary's for 40 years! She will be honored at the Archbishop's Dinner for Education on Sept. 12 at the CHI Health Center in Omaha.

“I find that teaching (religion) to the little ones and putting your faith on their level makes my faith grow stronger, too.” – Carole Willis, St. Mary's Catholic in O'Neill.

Carole Willis teaches first grade at St. Mary's Catholic School - O'Neill, NE and is a 2024 Archbishop's Dinner for Education Elementary Educator of the Year. Carole and educators like her are the reason Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Omaha are so remarkable. Congratulations, Carole. The archdiocese is grateful for all that you do for your students.

There will be a celebration at the Archbishop's Dinner for Education on Sept. 12, 2024, at CHI Health Center in Omaha. Proceeds from the dinner fund need-based scholarships so more families can afford to send their children to Catholic schools. Donation opportunities, tickets and more information can be found at


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