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St. Anthony's Hospital Celebrates Milestone On ED Expansion Project

Aug 10, 2022 (0)

Construction milestone - Avera Staff gathered for a picture as the last steel beam was hoisted in place as part of the emergency department expansion project.

Avera St. Anthony's Hospital recently celebrated a major milestone in the expansion and renovation of its emergency and radiology departments.

Representatives of the hospital, BWBR Architects and Hausmann Construction gathered on Aug. 1 for a topping out ceremony wherein the last steel beam was hoisted and placed.

Approximately 6,000 square feet are being added to the hospital footprint and another 1,800 square feet are being remodeled as part of the project, which will expand the emergency department and upgrade the radiology department. 

In the emergency department, there will be two new trauma rooms and three exam rooms – including a special room designed for the needs of families – along with a new secure entrance and waiting room. A new ambulance garage will be constructed, too.

The radiology department renovation will include suites for new MRI, CT and nuclear medicine equipment, as well as other improvements.

Announced in March of 2021, the start of the project was delayed by high construction costs and supply chain issues that required additional planning. It is anticipated that both the new and remodeled areas will be in use by mid-2023.


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