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O'Neill Public Schools Proceedings (12-21-2023)

Dec 19, 2023 (0)

Board of Education 

Committee On 

American Civics

December 11, 2023

Board Members

Amy Jo Rowse - President

Coby Welke - Vice President

Michael Hammerlun - Vice 


Barton Becker - Member

Monica Huber - Member

Aaron Troester - Member

Board Secretary

Kathleen Marvin


Michael Rotherham - 


William Wragge - HS Principal

Jim York - Elementary Principal

Jill Brodersen - Assistant Principal

Nathan Larsen - Activities Director

DeAnna Clifton - SPED Dir.

Board Treasurer

Carol Hammerlun


Attendance Taken at 7:02 PM. 

Coby Welke: Absent; Michael Hammerlun: Present; Aaron Troester: Present.

Posted Locations: 

Holt County Independent (print & website)

• KBRX Radio

• O'Neill Post Office

• O'Neill Public Schools Administrative Office

• O'Neill Jr-Sr High School

• O'Neill Elementary School

O'Neill Public Schools Website

Posted: Thursday, November 23, 2023

Call to Order

The Committee on American Civics of the O'Neill Public School Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 pm, on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Administrative Offices at 410 East Benton, O'Neill, Nebraska. 

Roll Call

• Excused/Unexcused Board Members

• Approve Meeting Agenda

• Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

• Reception of Visitors

Visitors were welcomed and informed that this meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act which is posted on the south wall of the board room.

Oral and Written Communications

Communications received, either written or oral, were reviewed.  


Mr. York and Mr. Wragge updated the committee on information regarding the Social Studies standards.  They also stated the importance of every class reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every day. 


The committee meeting closed at 7:15 pm.

Kathleen Marvin 

School Board Secretary 

Holt Co. Dist. #7


Board of Education 

Regular Board Meeting

December 11, 2023

Board Members

Amy Jo Rowse - President

Coby Welke - Vice President

Michael Hammerlun - Vice 


Barton Becker - Member

Monica Huber - Member

Aaron Troester - Member

Board Secretary

Kathleen Marvin


Michael Rotherham - 


William Wragge - HS Principal

Jim York - Elementary Principal

Jill Brodersen - Assistant Principal

Nathan Larsen - Activities Director

DeAnna Clifton - SPED Dir.

Board Treasurer

Carol Hammerlun


Attendance Taken at 7:30 PM. 

Monica Huber: Present; Coby Welke: Present; Barton Becker: Present; Michael Hammerlun: Present; Amy Rowse: Present; Aaron Troester: Present.    

Posted Locations: 

Holt County Independent (print & website)

• KBRX Radio

• O'Neill Post Office

• O'Neill Public Schools Administrative Office

• O'Neill Jr-Sr High School

• O'Neill Elementary School

O'Neill Public Schools Website

Posted: Thursday, November 23, 2023

Call to Order

The regular board meeting of the O'Neill Public School Board of Education was called to order by President Amy Jo Rowse at 7:30 pm, on Monday, December 11, 2023 at the Administrative Offices at 410 East Benton, O'Neill, Nebraska. 

Roll Call

Administrators Jill Brodersen, DeAnna Clifton, Nathan Larsen, Mike Rotherham, Will Wragge, and Jim York were present. 

Excused/Unexcused Board Members

A motion to excuse Monica Huber and Coby Welke, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Recite Mission Statement

The Mission Statement was recited.

Approve Meeting Agenda

A motion to approve the meeting agenda, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Aaron Troester.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

A motion to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2023 regular meeting and December 4, 2023 special board meeting, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Reception of Visitors

Visitors were welcomed and informed that this meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act which is posted on the south wall of the board room.

Oral and Written Communications

Communications received, either written or oral, were reviewed.  

Old Business

• Negotiations

The negotiation teams will be meeting on Wednesday, December 13th at 6:00 pm. 

Superintendent Evaluation

A motion to go into closed session to discuss the superintendent evaluation at 8:52, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Entered closed session at 8:52 pm.

Exited closed session at 9:15 pm.

New Business

• O'Neill Public Schools 2022-2023 Audit

A motion to approve the 2022-2023 Financial Statement as prepared by Dana Cole & Company, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans

A motion to accept the Elementary and Jr-Sr High School Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Aaron Troester.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Early Graduation Request

A motion to approve the early graduation request for Yolet Cayax Guevara pending successful completion of all required coursework, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

JH Wrestling Program

A motion to approve offering Zac Kliment the additional JH Wrestling coach assignment, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Aaron Troester.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Wrestling Room Access

Mr. Larsen and Mr. Wragge discussed with the board the current usage of the weight room for individuals with a weight room access key. No action was taken.

Staff Resignation

A motion to accept Rita Schueth's resignation effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Superintendent Contract

The board chose to wait until the January board meeting to discuss the Superintendent's contract when all board members can be present. No action was taken.

Nebraska Education Profile

The Nebraska Education Profile is available.  You can view the snapshot for O'Neill Public Schools by clicking on the link.

Option Enrollment Report

The Option Enrollment report was reviewed. No action is necessary.

Administrative Reports

Administrative reports were presented.

Bills and Claims and Payroll Report

A motion to approve the bills and claims, and accept the payroll report, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2


A motion to adjourn at 9:24 pm, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Monica Huber: Absent, Coby Welke: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea

Yea: 4, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Kathleen Marvin 

School Board Secretary 

Holt Co. Dist. #7


General Funds

A & J Tire and Atuo Repair, LLC 1,476.33

Advanced Water Company, Inc.. 1,638.00

Allen, Andrew 410.70 608.05

Anson Insurance Services, Inc. 125.00

Appeara 983.46

Apple Inc 999.00

APPLE.COM 128.39

Avera St. Anthony's Hospital 1,856.50

Banks, Andrea 196.01

Bartak Glass, Inc 218.29

Big Time Clocks 228.57

BK Catering 300.00

Black Hills Energy 4,379.19

Blaze Pizza 13.81

Bomgaars 140.83

Bosselman Pump & Pantry Inc 57.67

Brachle, Ashley 224.02

Brewsky's Haymarket 24.40

Bright Wheel 100.00

Burival, Tony 186.68

Buxton, Cody 485.37

Buzzard Billy's - Lincoln 24.06

Camp, Natalie 8,940.78

Carhart Lumber Co. 399.36

Casey's (Grand Island) 33.83

Casey's General Store #6121 56.17

Casey's General Store #6342 52.39

Casey's General Stores, Inc. 449.31

CenturyLink 126.86

Chipolite - Lincoln 11.59

Chipolte Mexican Grill 11.62

Choosing the Best 1,605.46

City of O'Neill Recycling Center 179.37

City of O'Neill 3,945.04

Clearfly 444.58

Clouse, Jessica 298.69

Cooper, Maria 168.01

Cubby's, Inc. 1,768.35

Cuhel, Frank 507.77

Cunningham's Journal on the Lake 67.43

Dana F Cole & Company LLP 5,375.00

Dean, Chad 85.23

Decker Inc. School Fix 528.71

DeKay, Lindsay 485.37

Dickau, Carla 448.03

Dickau, Jacob 224.02

DJ's Dugout 118.11

Dykshorn, Melissa 261.35

Egan Supply Co 963.70

Ehlers, Angela 42.60

El Potrero Mexican Restaurant 72.08

Embassy Suites LaVista 224.70

Engelhaupt, Monica 476.03

ESU #3 200.00

ESU #8 10,257.50

Fire Protection Services, LLC 697.47

Fisher, Tonya 560.04

Flinn Scientific, Inc. 749.07

Follett School Solutions, Inc 46.10

Fox's Food Plaza 2,113.73

Frank, Shelly 248.28

Frausto Alcala, Denice 10.00

Gallup Inc 599.40

Graduate Lincoln 390.00

Gruhn, Cindy 261.35

Gueta-Lopez, Gabriela 224.02

Handlebend 36.00

Hansen Locksmithing, Inc 575.00

Harte's Lawn Service 9,469.79

Heartland Counseling Services, Inc. 2,000.00

HHS Culinary Arts/ProStart 130.00

Hilton Omaha 2,411.95

Holiday Inn - Kearney 499.80

Holt County Independent 260.15

HOOKandLOOP.COM 139.43

Huber, Monica 30.97

Hurts Donut Company 12.02

J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc. 128.25

Jams Modern American 43.40

Johnson's, Inc. 514.00

Kansas City Marriott Downtown 1,733.22

Kayton International, Inc 2,875.61

KBRX Radio 7.50

KC Live! 73.56

Kelly's Carriages 250.00

Kennedy, Valerie 522.70

Klasna, Lala 485.37

Klein, Carre 3,506.08

Krysl, Lisa 89.61

KSB School Law 270.00

La Cocina Mexican Restaurant 160.47

Laible, Dustin 298.69

Leaf Funding Inc 1,131.64

Learning A-Z 348.00

Limburg, Lisa 177.35

Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker 32.34

Little Disciples Child Development Center 1,600.00

Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 604.19

McDonald's 315.71

McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC 738.38

Menards 260.05

Mendez Foundation 488.73

Mid-American Research Chemical 2,150.11

Midwest Automatic Fire Sprinkler Co 1,250.00

Miner, Cheryl 186.68

Morrow, Emily 235.02

Nebraska Aleworks 96.85

Nebraska Choral Directors Association 500.00

Nebraska Council of School Administrators 785.00

Nebraska Music Educators Association 105.00

Neligh-Oakdale Music 1,104.03

Neu You Physical Therapy, PC, 2,004.75

North Central District Health Department 72.00

NPPD 8,306.05

O'Neill Area Chamber of Commerce 115.13

O'Neill Electric Motor Service 119.50

Ogden Hardware 846.30

Old Chicago Store #7340 87.34

Ollendick, Kacey 74.67

Omaha Marriott 272.27

One Office Solution 2,910.22

One Source, The Background Check Co.,Inc 175.50

OPS District #7 1,442.98

OPS Lunch Fund 12.45

Parks, Katie 112.01

Pearson, Inc, NCS 107.10

Peterson, Kristi 461.10

Pitney Bowes Bank Inc 291.36

Postmaster 333.55

Prestige Group Inc 5,850.00

Procare Software 79.00

Quaff, The 25.76

Ranchland Auto Parts 105.31

RC Pitstop 12.46

Rotherham, Michael 12.82

Sayers, Angela 373.36

Schluns, Amanda 70.94

Seger, Becky 392.02

Shoemaker, Tiffani 71.57

Sholes, Molly 224.02

Slap's BBQ 103.59

Smoke It Up Welding 293.73

Spangler, Cindy 230.55

Special T's & More 992.25

Speedee Mart - Kearney 31.33

Stanton Music Boosters 300.00

Stepp, Melanie 149.34

Susi Epperson Consulting, LLC 350.00

Taco John's 55.60

Teachers Pay Teachers 9.99

Three River 480.59

Torpin's Rodeo Market 1,835.90

UNK Academic Advising & Career Development 100.00

VanEvery, Maria 485.37

Viaero Wireless 352.75 391.06

Welke, Amanda 134.41

Wettlaufer, Kristin 410.70

Wiseman, Tricia 425.63

York, Hugh 28.90

Young, Heather 301.49

Young, Sara 410.70

Zlomke, Kendra 821.39

Fund Total: 131,822.29


Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 50,182.09

Pitney Bowes Bank Inc 79.38

Smith, Sharon 17.25

Fund Total: 50,278.72

Checking Account Total: 182,101.01

Depreciation Fund

Bartak Glass, Inc 32,978.00

DakTech 10,099.00

OPS District #7 300,000.00

Fund Total: 343,077.00

Checking Account Total: 343,077.00

Building Fund

First Citizens Bank & Trust Company 1,012,922.14

Fund Total: 1,012,922.14

Checking Account Total: 1,012,922.14

Published December 21, 2023        51



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