LINCOLN, Neb. January 12, 2024 - Corn for grain production in Nebraska based on year-end surveys is estimated at 1.73 billion bushels, up 19% from 2022, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Yield of 182 bushels per acre is up 17 bushels from last year. Farmers harvested 9.50 million acres of corn for grain, up 8% from 2022. Corn for silage production is 4.76 million tons, down 11% from last year. Silage yield of 17.0 tons per acre is up 4.5 tons from last year. Corn for silage harvested acreage of 280,000 acres is down 150,000 acres from last year. Corn acreage planted for all purposes is 9.95 million acres, up 4% from last year. Soybean production for 2023 totaled 267 million bushels, down 4% from 2022. Yield, at 51.5 bushels per acre, is up 2.5 bushels from a year earlier. Area for harvest, at 5.18 million acres, is down 8% from 2022. Planted acreage totaled 5.25 million acres, down 9% from last year. Sorghum for grain production in 2023 is estimated at 16.4 million bushels, up 139% from 2022. Yield, at 73.0 bushels per acre, is up 18.0 bushels from a year earlier. Area harvested for grain, at 225,000 acres, is up 80% from 2022. Sorghum for silage production is 560,000 tons, down 20% from last year. Silage yield of 14.0 tons per acre is up 4.7 tons from last year. Sorghum for silage harvested acreage of 40,000 acres is down 35,000 acres from last year. Sorghum acreage planted for all purposes is 340,000 acres, up 20,000 acres from last year. Alfalfa hay production, at 2.89 million tons, is up 15% from a year earlier. The average yield, at 3.40 tons per acre, is up 0.30 ton per acre from 2022. Area harvested, at 850,000 acres, is up 5% from 2022. Alfalfa haylage and greenchop production, at 192,000 tons, is up 182% from last year. Average yield, at 4.80 tons per acre, is up 2.10 tons per acre from last year. Area harvested, at 40,000 acres, is up 15,000 acres from last year. Seedings of alfalfa during 2023 totaled 115,000 acres, up 5,000 acres from a year earlier. All other hay production, at 2.44 million tons, is up 34% from last year. The average yield, at 1.70 tons per acre, is up 0.30 ton per acre from last year. Area harvested, at 1.44 million acres, is up 10% from 2022. All other haylage and greenchop production, at 336,000 tons, is up 68% from last year. Average yield, at a record high 8.40 tons per acre, is up 4.40 tons per acre from last year. Area harvested, at 40,000 acres, is down 10,000 acres from last year. Proso millet production in 2023 is estimated at 5.04 million bushels, up 203% from last year's production. Yield, at 36.5 bushels per acre, is up 21.5 bushels from a year earlier and a new record high. Area harvested for grain, at 138,000 acres, is up 24% from 2022. Area planted, at 155,000 acres, is up 7% from last year. NASS is the federal statistical agency responsible for producing official data about U.S. agriculture and is committed to providing timely, accurate and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD)or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay). Oil sunflower production in 2023 is 35.4 million pounds, down 13% from last year. Yield, at 1,180 pounds per acre, is up 280 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 30,000 acres, is down 33% from 2022. Area planted, at 31,000 acres, is down 37% from last year. Non-oil sunflower production of 8.78 million pounds is up 68% from last year. Yield, at 1,170 pounds per acre, is up 300 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 7,500 acres, is up 1,500 acres from 2022. Area planted, at 8,500 acres, is up 13% from last year. Sugarbeet production is estimated at 1.33 million tons, up 39% from last year. Yield is estimated at 28.6 tons per acre, up 4.4 tons from the previous year. Acres harvested are estimated at 46,600 acres, up 18% from the previous year. Area planted, at 46,700 acres, is down 100 acres from last year. Dry edible bean production of 1.97 million cwt is down 21% from a year ago. Yield, at 2,140 pounds per acre, is down 160 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 92,000 acres, is down 15% from 2022. Area planted, at 100,000 acres, is down 13% from last year. Beginning in 2019, chickpeas are excluded from the dry edible bean estimates. Dry edible pea production is estimated at 409,000 cwt, up 178% from 2022. Yield is estimated at 2,150 pounds per acre, up 1,450 pounds from last year. Acres harvested are estimated at 19,000, down 10% from a year ago and a record low. Total acreage planted is 21,000 acres, down 38% from last year, also a record low. Potato production is a record high 11.0 million cwt, up 13% from 2022. Yield, at 500 cwt per acre, is up 15 cwt from a year earlier and a record high. Area harvested, at 21,900 acres, is up 2,000 acres from 2022. Area planted, at 22,000 acres, is up 2,000 acres from last year. Principal crop area planted totaled 19.5 million acres, up 1% from 2022. Area harvested, at 18.8 million acres, is up 2% from last year. Nebraska principal crop acres include corn, sorghum, oats, rye, winter wheat, soybeans, sunflower, dry edible beans, potatoes, proso millet, sugarbeets, and all hay. Double cropped acres and unharvested small grains planted as cover crops are also included.
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