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Krysls Honored At Fair On Friday

Aug 14, 2024 (0)

RAYMOND KRYSL FAMILY HONORED - The late Raymond Krysl family was honored for being on their homestead place for over 100 years. The award is given by Nebraska Farm Bureau, Aksarben and the Holt County Fair Board. Pictured are four generations of Krysls to help accept the award.

The family of Vaclav Krysl was honored Friday night by Nebraska Farm Bureau, Aksarben and the Holt County Fair Board with a Pioneer Award. The award is given to families that have been on their homesteaded land for over 100 years.

Vaclav Krysl, with his wife, three small children and his parents, came from Czechoslovakia in 1891. The family came to Holt County, where they homesteaded fifteen miles southwest of Stuart.

In 1917, Vaclav bought the north half of section sixteen, township twenty-nine, range sixteen for $8,000. In August of 1927, John Henry Krysl purchased this land from his father for $1.

Over the years, John and his oldest son, Ray, developed an Angus cow/calf herd and purchased more land to enlarge the ranch. Following John Henry's death in 1978, Ray acquired the land, and his sons, Joe and John Patrick, continued to increase the cow/calf herd.

In 2017, Ray passed unexpectedly and today the ranch is managed by his son, John Patrick. All of Ray's sons, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren help with various ranch tasks throughout the year.

Ray's wife, Mary, continues to live on the ranch, where she enjoys her garden, flowers and yard. She also cooks for the hay crew during the summer.


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