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Kenneth W. Brion

Dec 17, 2024 (0)

Hamilton, MT — Kenneth Walter Brion, 78, of Hamilton, MT, formerly of Ewing, died Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024 at Riverside Health and Rehabilitation in Missoula, MT after a long bout with MSA which he managed with great strength, humor and grace right to the end.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024 at The Place Church in Hamilton, MT.

Burial was in the Riverview Cemetery in Hamilton, MT.

Memorials may be made to the family for future designation.

Daly-Leach Chapel in Hamilton, MT was in charge of the arrangements.

Kenneth, son of Richard S. and Laverne M. (Walters) Brion, was born on Aug. 14, 1946 in Tilden.

  Ken graduated from Ewing High School in 1964 and then the University of Nebraska in 1968 where he studied finance and went on to make a career in insurance which spanned his entire life. He founded numerous insurance agencies in three states as well as an aviation insurance brokerage serving the western United States and Alaska.

  Ken married Linda K. Anson, also of Ewing, on Dec. 4, 1965. To this lifelong union three children were born: Kimberly Jane Brion (Purviance), James Samuel Brion and Peter Justus Brion. Ken and Linda shared a robust life together full of love and adventure.

Ken was known to do things at a high level. In his insurance business he took care of every customer with tremendous detail. He constantly educated himself and was a Professional Insurance Agent (PIA), Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and one of only 78 Certified Aviation Insurance Professionals (CAIP) in the world, as well as a private pilot.

  In his personal life it was God, family and the outdoors. When he could mix two or more of those together he was winning. His adventurous exploits of hunting, fishing, waterskiing and backpacking will be passed down in story for generations.

  Anyone who was close to Ken was touched by his patience, kindness, perseverance, humor and his life balance. And through this and his devotion to Christ he dramatically and sometimes miraculously changed the lives of many family members, friends and even strangers. We wish he could have touched everyone's life. It seems he lived a life of eternal consequence without even trying. For this and to simply have known such a man, we are eternally grateful.

Ken is survived by his adored wife Linda K. Brion two sons James S. (Jane) Brion of Stevensville, MT, and Peter J. (Nikki) Brion of Hamilton MT; one  son-in-law Bruce Purviance of Kamiah, ID; nine grandkids Kerstin (Purviance) Hagberg, Ashton (Purviance) Smith, Anthony Purviance, Grant Brion, Abigail (Brion) Schifflet, Kaitlyn Brion, Cort Brion, Hunter Brion and Charlene Brion; five great-grandkids Gavin Hagberg, Sophie Hagberg, Chloe Hagberg, Theo Purviance and Owen Purviance; as well as a host of brothers- and sisters-in-law, cousins and nieces and nephews.

  He was preceded in death by his father Richard S. Brion, mother Laverne M. Brion, one brother Ronald R. Brion and one daughter Kimberly Jane (Brion) Purviance.

Online condolences may be left for the family at                                              51



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