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Katie Nolles Is Recipient Of Teacher Turn The Key Award

Jun 19, 2024 (0)

Katie Nolles, the Agricultural Education Instructor at Stuart Public Schools, was awarded the Teacher Turn the Key Award by the Nebraska Agricultural Educators Association (NAEA) at the NAEA Awards Ceremony held on June 8th at the Nebraska Career Education Conference. Award winners are nominated and selected by their peers. 

Teacher Turn the Key recognizes NAEA members who are working to meet the growing demand in the field of agriculture education. As a means of encouraging young teachers to remain in the profession and to encourage and recognize participation in professional activities, the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) offers the Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship to attend the NAAE Convention the same year they are selected as the state winner. Katie will attend this convention December 3-7 in San Antonio, Texas.

Katie believes that students contribute their best work when they feel valued. Discovering the interests and talents of her students allows her to tailor the curriculum to their needs, and to help them identify a career field to pursue. Through FFA and SAEs, she aims to provide opportunities to students to pursue their passions. Additionally, her goal for her students is to have problem-solving and critical thinking skills that can be applied in the real world when they graduate from high school. She prioritizes developing a growth mindset in her students, as it applies to both themselves and the organizations that they are a part of. By helping develop these qualities, Katie's goal is for each student in her program to be a responsible, respectful young adult.

NAEA is a professional organization consisting of 200 agricultural education instructors from across the state with membership also in the National Association of Agricultural Educators. 


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