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Karo Joins WHMS Foundation Board As Junior Member

Jan 11, 2023 (0)

Addison Karo

The West Holt Medical Services Foundation (WHMSF) strives to support both West Holt Medical Services and the surrounding communities, and fostering volunteerism is a large part of that. To further that development, the WHMSF has added a Junior Member to their board of directors. The 2022-2023 Junior Board Member is Addison Karo.

Karo is a junior at West Holt High School and plans to pursue a career as a pediatrician.

“I am super excited about this opportunity to further my knowledge of the medical field. I look forward to making an impact in small-town healthcare within my community,” said Karo. “Furthermore, this position will allow me to increase my network and overall knowledge which thrills me.”

Karo has begun working with the Foundation this month and will be involved with most foundation events throughout the school year and this summer.

The Junior Board member program is open to Students from Stuart and Atkinson entering their junior or senior year of high school. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the board as a Junior member, email


Welcome to the discussion.
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