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Holt County Department of Weeds Proceedings (02-01-2024)

Jan 31, 2024 (0)

Date: January 22, 2024

The Holt County Weed Board met in regular session. John Hammerlun was excused. This meeting publicized pursuant to Section 84-1411 R.R.S, 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on December 21, 2023, in the Holt County Independent. Dan Pribil convened the meeting at 6:00 P.M. and informed the public of the location of the Open Meeting Poster. Present: Dan Drueke, Tom Welsh, Kevin DeKay, Dan Pribil, Supervisor Dustin Breiner and Weed Superintendent William Babutzke. 

Excused: John Hammerlun.

Minutes Approved: Tom Welsh made a motion to approve the minutes and Dan Drueke seconded. All approved

Claims Approved: Claims were reviewed on January 11, 2024 the official approval was made January 22, 2024. Dustin Breiner made a motion to approve the claims and Kevin DeKay seconded. All approved.

Shredding- there are 180 hours on the skid steer. Due to the snow, work on shredding is at a standstill. Maintenance on the shredder have been on going.  Replacing the cutting teeth on the forestry head. 

The board reviewed the Force Spray Fees Policy: The policy was revised as follows.  $250.00 Management Fee. Weed Department force spray minimum charge of $200.00 an hour minimum one hour. Two times the chemical charge. $1.70 mileage one way. Contractor charges two times the applicator charge and two times the chemical charge. $1.70 mileage one way. Hay inspection tag fee is $0.10 per tag. Spray Township Roads: $200.00 an hour, cost of chemical, $1.70 per mile one way. Kevin DeKay made the motion to approve the policy and Dustin Breiner seconded.  All approved. Motion carried. 

Shop furnace needs replaced. The heat exchanger is cracked. Will be replaced the week of January 22nd. 2024

Raises were discussed: William Babutzke will increase $3,000.00 per year and Jennifer Koenig will increase $33.00 per month.

John Hammerlun was re-elected as chairman of the board. Dan Pribil made the nomination and Dan Drueke seconded. All in favor. 

Information on the following list of twelve noxious weeds found in Nebraska can be located at the website with sufficient information on each noxious weed. 

Canada Thistle, Musk Thistle, Plumeless Thistle, Purple Loosestrife, Spotted Knapweed, Diffuse Knapweed, Saltcedar, Phragmites, Giant Knotweed, Japanese Knotweed, Sericea Lespedeza, Leafy Spurge.

Date was set for the next meeting. Feb 8th, 2024 at 6:00 at the Holt County Weed Office. 

Kevin DeKay made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Tom Welsh seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm. 

Jennifer Koenig 

Published February 1, 2024           5



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Holt County Department of Weeds Proceedings (02-01-2024)

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