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Holt County Board of Supervisors Proceedings (06-29-2023)

Jun 27, 2023 (0)

June 16, 2023

O'Neill, Nebraska

The Holt County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with all members present. County Assessor Tim Wallinger, County Treasurer Shelly Ross and County Clerk Cathy Pavel were also in attendance. This meeting publicized pursuant to Section 84-1411 R.R.S. 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on June 8, 2023, in the Atkinson Graphic.

Chairman Frahm convened the meeting at 9:00 A.M. with the flag salute.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Keyes, to approve the minutes of the May 31, 2023, meeting as printed. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Neiman, to approve the valuation listing as submitted by the Assessor, for the undervalued parcels of real estate in Holt County for 2023. Voting Aye: Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke, Treptow and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Tielke, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the valuation listing as submitted by the Assessor, for the over-valued parcels of real estate in Holt County for 2023. Voting Aye: Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke, Treptow, Keyes and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Tielke, to concur with the Assessor and approve the list of Destroyed Properties in Holt County for 2023, on parcel numbers: 450911600; 450019394; 450097000; 450983800; 450017476; 450012381; 450925600; 450022724; 450014626; 450760200; 450616000; 450144000; 450013882; 450023900; 450669000; 450011976; 450105600; 450587600; 450012796; 450189400 as submitted by the Assessor. Voting Aye: Breiner, Paxton, Tielke, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

County Assessor Tim Wallinger requested that a series of documents setting forth the process used in determining the assessed valuation along with the property record card of each parcel being protested be made a part of the official record.

Said request was granted by the Chairman.

Time was allowed for the Board to review, hear and consider valuation protests for 2023.

The Board reviewed the one protest on file.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Breiner, to reduce the house value based on a sale in the vicinity of the subject parcel in Verdigris Twp; Pt NE ¼ 22-28-9 5.49 acres from $232,080.00 to $216,265.00 based upon the Assessors recommendation. Voting Aye: Paxton, Tielke, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Chairman Frahm adjourned the meeting at 9:16 A.M.

Doug Frahm, Chairman

Cathy Pavel, Clerk

June 16, 2023

O'Neill, Nebraska

The Holt County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment with all members present. This meeting publicized pursuant to Section R.R.S. 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on June 8, 2023, in the Atkinson Graphic.

Chairman Tielke convened the meeting at 9:18 A.M. and informed the public of the location of the Open Meeting Poster.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the minutes of the May 31, 2023, meeting as printed. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed claims on file.

The Treasurer's Report was placed on file.




WHEREAS, the County of Holt, Nebraska, is the owner and holder of several Certificates of Tax sale on several parcels of real estate issued to the County of Holt for all delinquent regular taxes thereon, which have been regularly advertised and offered for sale at tax sale and remaining unsold for want of bidders, were sold to the County of Holt and Certificates of Tax Sale issued thereunder the provisions of Nebraska Revised Statutes, Section 77-1809 (Reissue 1990); and

WHEREAS, more than two (2) years and less than five (5) years elapsed since the issuance of such respective Certificates of Tax Sale and by reason thereof, the right for redemption of the owners or claimants of such respective tracts has expired.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Attorney of Holt County, Nebraska, be and hereby is directed as promptly under the circumstances as it is reasonably possible so to do, to institute action to foreclose the lien of all taxes delinquent whether regular or special, on all real estate within Holt County, Nebraska, which having been heretofore advertised and offered for sale and remaining unsold for want of bidders was sold to the County of Holt, and further, said County Attorney can proceed to foreclose the Certificate of Tax Sale issued; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a receipt of the County Treasurers report of delinquent real estate taxes has been received and to direct the County Treasurer to issue Tax Sale Certificates to Holt County, Nebraska for all parcels delinquent for two (2) or more years.

The foregoing resolution was introduced by Supervisor Paxton, who moved its adoption. Supervisor Frahm seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to authorize the Treasurer to move the ARPA Fund interest to the General Fund and going forward the interest will be deposited directly to the General Fund on a monthly basis. Voting Aye: Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried. 

Informal bids were received to install 3 electrical receptacles in the Probation Office at the Holt County Annex.

Bids were received from:    

• Pacena Electric LLC - $590.00          

• Schaecher Electric LLC - $387.33

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Keyes, to accept the low bid from Schaecher Electric LLC for $387.33 to install 3 electrical receptacles in the Probation Office at the Holt County Annex. Voting Aye: Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Correspondence was reviewed.  

The Finance Committee reported that the County Officials had remitted their monthly fees to the County Treasurer as required.




WHEREAS, the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 was signed in to law on October 30, 2000, placing new emphasis on state and local mitigation planning for natural hazards and requiring communities to adopt a hazard mitigation action plan to be eligible for pre-disaster and post-disaster federal funding for mitigation purposes; and

WHEREAS, a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was prepared by Antelope, Holt and Knox Counties, known as the Tri-County area, in Nebraska with assistance from JEO Consulting Group, Inc.

WHEREAS, the purpose of the mitigation plan was to lessen the effects of disasters by increasing the disaster resistance of the counties and participating jurisdictions located within the planning boundary by identifying the hazards that affect Holt County and prioritize mitigation strategies to reduce potential loss of life and property damage from those hazards, and

WHEREAS, FEMA regulations require documentation that the plan has been formally adopted by the governing body of Holt County in the form of a resolution and further requesting approval of the plan at the Federal Level; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the governing body of Holt County does herewith adopt the most recent and FEMA approved version of the Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2023 in its entirety;

The foregoing resolution was introduced by Supervisor Paxton who moved its adoption. Supervisor Breiner seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the surety bonds on file for: Chambers Rural Fire District #6; James R. Meusch, Cleveland Township Clerk and Kurt M. Meusch, Cleveland Township Treasurer. Voting Aye: Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

UNL Extension Educator Amy Timmerman was present to discuss the purchase of a new van for the Extension Office. The Board would prefer to wait on a new van purchase at this time.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Frahm, to approve the zoning applications on file for: NOR-MAR, Inc., President Robert Kracl on a tract in NW ¼ NW ¼ 15-29-11; Marcus, Roy and Steven Fox on a tract in SE ¼ 14-29-13 and Randall Goeke Revocable Trust on a tract in NE ¼ 17-30-13. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Roy Swenson was present to discuss the Planning and Zoning Director Administrator with the Board.

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Neiman, to appoint Roy Swenson as the Part-time Holt County Planning and Zoning Administrator at an annual salary of $8,200.00, effective immediately. Voting Aye: Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Neiman was excused at 10:18 A.M.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the following claims except claim #23060158 for $1,402.50 to Mary Breiner.Voting Aye: Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Neiman. Motion carried. 

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Treptow, to approve claim #23060158 for $1,402.50 to Mary Breiner. Voting Aye: Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Abstain: Breiner. Absent: Neiman. Motion carried.

General Fund Claim Total:  $374,659.69: A&J Tire & Auto Repair, Rep, $666.65; Ainsworth Star-Journal, Print/Pub, $74.25; AKRS Equipment Solutions, Rep, $435.05; American Express, Misc/Off Supp, $414.85; Antelope County Sheriff, Serv, $760.00; Appeara, Serv, $288.00; Applied Connective Technologies, Serv, $2,655.41; ARTFX, Off Supp, $914.48; Atkinson Graphic, Print/Pub, $421.01; Bartak Glass, Rep, $297.89; Big Red Motorsports, Rep, $16.97; Black Hills Energy, Serv, $537.84; BOKF, NA, Bond Fee, $400.00; Bomgaars, Supp, $47.49; Boyd County Sheriff, Serv, $55.62; Braun's Food Center, Supp, $1,771.80; Brite, Supp, $1,640.00; Bruner Frank Shcumacher Husak, LLC, Atty Fees, $250.00; C&S Repair, Rep, $93.95; Centec Cast Metal Products, Grave Markers, $788.45; Century Link-Probation Office, Serv, $111.81; Century Link-Sheriff & Courthouse, Serv, $815.49; Charm-Tex, Supp, $988.50; City of O'Neill, Serv, $987.36; Clearfly Communications, Serv, $331.29; Clerk of District Court, Postage Reimburse, $193.00; Coast to Coast Computer Products, Off Supp, $84.99; Coleman, Grace, Mileage, $26.20; Daily Reports, Sub, $45.00; DAS State Accounting, Data Process, $432.88; Days Inn & Suites, Travel, $490.00; DeKay, Kevin, Mileage, $133.62; Dollar General, Supp, $212.70; Drueke, Dan, Mileage, $140.40; E-Z Kitchens, Off Cabinets, $6,123.63; Elkhorn Valley Family Medicine, Medical, $79.00; Finance and Accounting, Adm Fee, $52.25; Fox's Food Plaza, Fuel, $16.21; Fusion Cloud Services, Serv, $253.06; Galyen, Boettcher & Baier PC, LLO, Atty Fees, $270.00; Gokie Oil Co., Fuel, $22.90; Gokie Oil Co., Ext, Fuel, $114.13; Gokie Oil Co., Veteran's, Fuel, $28.76; Gotschall & Sholes, Atty Fees, $1,200.00; Grass, Daniel, Mileage, $17.03; Great America Leasing Co., Off Equip Lease, $1,408.79 

Great Plains Communications, Serv, $210.02; Hammerlun, John, Mileage, $45.43; Helena Agri-Enterprises, Supp, $1,715.20; Holiday Inn Kearney, Travel, $419.85 Holt County Independent, Print/Pub; $55.92; Holt County Assessor, Postage Reimburse, $9.12; Holt County Court, Court Costs, $150.00; Holt County District Court, Court Costs, $497.00; Holt County Treasurer, Taxes, $137.22; Holt County Sheriff, Service Fee, $18.50; Holt County Treasurer, Postage Reimburse, $388.95; Hooey, Kami, Serv, $412.25; Idemia Identity & Security, Data Process, $5,414.00; J&L Collision Center, Rep, $1,000.00; Jack's Uniforms & Equipment, Supp, $1,848.53; Jury Members - District Court, Jury Fee, $35.00; Justice Data Solutions, Data Process, $2,900.00; KBRX Radio Station, Adv Thru, $177.00; Krysl, John, Mileage, $32.75; May, Keith, Mileage, $31.44; McIntosh Jewelry, Misc, $10.00; Meritain Health, Health Ins, $250,000.00; Microfilm Imaging Systems, Off Equip Lease, $246.00; Mips, Data Process/Off Supp, $2,475.95; Montgomery, Nate, Rep, $140.00; Munoz, Kelli, Travel, $643.12; Nebraska Association of County Officials, Reg, $125.00; Nebraska Health & Human Services, Serv, $312.00; Nebraska Public Power District, Serv, $2,371.88; Nebraska State Patrol, Data Process, $3,083.63; Nebraska Tech & Telecommunications, Serv, $471.55; Nebraskalink Holdings, LLC, Dba OPTK, Serv, $280.00; Netcom, Rep, $3,112.00; Niobrara Valley Electric, Serv, $28.39; Northeast Nebraska Juvenile Service, Contractual Costs, $630.00; Northeast Weed Management Area, Dues, $100.00; O'Neill Car Wash, Serv, $55.00; O'Neill Chemical Co., Supp, $445.43; O'Neill Family Pharmacy, Medical, $566.31; O'Neill Shopper, Off Supp, $50.40; Office Products Center, Off Equip/Rep, $303.87; Ogden's Ace Hardware, Supp, $86.97; One Office Solution-Assessor, Off Supp, $256.09; One Office Solution-Brent Kelly Law, Off Supp, $233.06; One Office Solution-Clerk, Off Supp, $24.37; One Office Solution-District Court, Off Supp, $17.19; One Office Solution-Extension, Off Supp, $9,223.07; One Office Solution-Probation, Off Supp, $1,467.84; One Office Solution-Public Defender, Off Supp, $81.27; One Office Solution-Sheriff, Off Supp, $24.93; One Office Solution-Treasurer, Off Supp, $5.49; One Office Solution-Veteran's Service, Off Supp, $1,145.00; One Office Solution-Weed, Off Supp, $23.50; Peterson, Kristi, Mileage, $43.75; Petty Cash-County Attorney, Postage Reimburse/Serv Fees, $323.02; Petty Cash-Sheriff, Postage Reimburse, $52.57; Petty Cash-Treasurer, Postage Reimburse, $174.58; Petty Cash-Weed, Postage Reimburse, $9.00; Physicians Laboratory P.C., Autopsy Costs, $2,050.00; PIP, Postage/Print, $2,821.72; Platte County Detention Facility, Training, $175.00; Postmaster-Assessor, Annual Box Fee/Postage, $792.00; Postmaster-Clerk of District Court, Annual Box Fee, $178.00; Postmaster-Clerk, Annual Box Fee, $178.00; Postmaster-Emergency Manager, Annual Box Fee, $78.00; Postmaster-Sheriff, Annual Box Fee, $114.00; Postmaster-Treasurer, Annual Box Fee, $114.00; Postmaster-Veteran's Officer, Postage, $681.00; Quality Alignment & Repair, Travel, $244.48; Quill-County Court, Off Supp, $171.60; Quill-Public Defender, Off Supp, $502.47; Quill-Extension, Off Supp, $353.25; Ranchland Auto Parts, Rep, $472.90; Rasmussen Land Surveying, Contract Labor, $13,249.52; Reiser Insurance Group, Bond, $50.00; Rotherham Tire Service, Rep, $64.50; Sattler, Jen, Misc, $120.00; Schindler Elevator, Main, $884.52; Schindler, Jason, Supp, $5,940.00; Seger Funeral Home, County Burial, $3,500.00; Smith, Darla, Contract Labor, $1,600.00; Summerland Advocate, Print/Pub, $9.12; Taylor Made Printing, Print/Pub, $67.75; Three River Communications, Serv, $221.80; Timmerman, Amy, Mifi Card, $90.04; Torpin's Rodeo Market, Supp, $441.78; U.S. Postal Service (Cmrs-Fp), Postage, $2,000.00; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sub, $305.00; UNL Print and Copy Services, Off Supp, $2,547.92; US Bank, Postage/Off Supp/Equip, $3,687.29; Vanguard Appraisals, Data Process, $2,887.50; Verizon Wireless, Serv, $313.53; Vosler, Duane, Mileage, $40.00; Walnofer, Deb, Mileage, $102.18; Warne Chemical Equipment Co., Supp, $125.73; Welsh, Tom, Mileage, $20.89; Werth, LaShanna, Contract Labor, $75.00; Wex Bank, Fuel, $2,804.98; Wood, Mike, Mileage, $60.00; Zelle Human Resource Solutions, Serv, $3,275.10 

Road Fund Claim Total:  $506,066.49: AKRS Equipment Solutions, Parts, $348.38; Appeara, Supp, $541.13; Applied Connective Technologies, Serv, $15.30; AT&T, Serv, $70.26; Atkinson Graphic, Print/Pub, $248.50; Avera St. Anthony's Hospital, Medical, $60.00; B's Enterprises, Culverts/Signs/Guide Posts/Flares/Flags, $89,934.33; Black Hills Energy, Serv, $299.28; Bomgaars, Parts/Supp, $2,264.78; Breiner Welding & Fabrication, Parts/Rep/Supp, $1,069.14; Breiner, Mary, Clay, $1,402.50; Carroll Olson Enterprises, Parts/Supp, $52.45; Century Link-2377 Road, Serv, $80.63; Century Link-2831 Road, Serv, $64.63; Century Link-3888 Road, Serv, $156.08; Century Link-5440 Road, Serv, $64.60; Chambers Shopper, Pub, $20.00; Chemsearch, Supp, $977.45; City of Atkinson, Serv, $83.76; Cole Petroleum, Fuel, $25,704.00; Cole Sand & Gravel, Gravel, $14,035.53; Coyote Chemical Company, Supp, $1,602.00; Ecolab Pest Elimination Div., Supp, $75.00; Elkhorn Sand & Gravel, Gravel, $23,916.00; Emme Sand & Gravel, Gravel, $66,637.13; Emmet Hay Co., Erosion Control, $843.15; Engelhaupt Truck & Trailer Repair, Parts/Rep, $7,630.98; Ewing Feed & Supply, Supp, $54.24; Farmers Pride, Fuel, $16,749.56; Fire Protection Services, Misc, $900.00; First Stop, Fuel, $163.84; Fusion Cloud Services, Serv, $9.99; Galyen Energy Supply, Fuel, $9,588.35; Great America Leasing Co., Off Equip Lease, $184.15; Great Plains Communications, Serv, $53.68; Green's Service, Fuel/Parts, $5,432.92; Grimes Asphalt & Paving Corp, Asphalt Exp, $6,341.50; Heartland Scales & Guidance, Equip, $19,608.00; Helena Agri-Enterprises, Supp, $575.00; Hipke, Keith, Land Lease, $1,000.00; Holt County Independent, Print/Pub, $46.15; Interstate Power Systems, Parts/Rep, $2,316.76; J&J Sanitation - 3051-1421, Serv, $268.79; J&J Sanitation - 3051-1859, Serv, $166.73; Jackson's Heavy Equipment Training, Machine Hire, $2,266.68; Jebro, Bituminous Surfacing, $89,400.33; Jorgensen, Dustin, Land Lease, $150.00; K & M Telephone Co., Serv, $36.00; Kelly Supply Co., Parts, $135.04; Kimball Midwest, Supp, $233.17; Knife River Midwest, Asphalt Exp, $2,636.40; Lorenzen, Mike, Sand, $1,408.00; Mainelli Wagner & Associates, Engineering Fees, $3,289.60; Midwest Mapping, Parts, $7,500.00; Midwest Service & Sales Co., Parts, $350.80; Mitchell Equipment, Parts/Rep, $1,855.49; Municipal Power, Serv, $272.31; Nebraska Public Power District, Serv, $312.21; Nebraska Safety Center, Training, $630.00; Netcom, Parts/Rep, $555.00; NMC, Parts/Rep/Supp, $50,608.91; North Central Public Power, Serv, $87.12; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Co., Serv, $45.79; O'Neill Auto Supply, Parts/Supp, $389.42; O'Neill Shopper, Print/Pub, $176.92; Ogden's Ace Hardware, Tools, $52.17; One Office Solution, Off Supp, $238.65; Pomp's Tire Service, Chains/Tires, $1,404.18;

Power Plan, Parts/Rep, $1,110.71; Prairie Hills Ford, Parts, $144.81; Ranchland Auto Parts, Parts/Supp, $1,764.38; Rasmussen Land Surveying, Engineering Fees/Off Supp, $3,821.00; Reiman's Body Shop, Parts/Rep, $602.95; Roeder, Jimmy, Parts/Travel, $64.84; Rose Equipment, Parts/Supp, $19,435.00; Ryan's Truck & Tractor Repair, Parts/Rep, $741.17; Seger & Sons Repair, Parts, $47.50; Shamrock Diesel Repair, Parts/Rep, $2,784.51; Sioux City Truck Sales, Parts, $36.18; Southside Mini Mart, Fuel, $392.43; Stuart Locker, Supp, $51.50; Stuart-Atkinson Airport Authority, Lease Agreement, $2,000.00; The Seedhouse, Erosion Control, $145.00; The Wrangler, Print/Pub, $75.00; Torpin's Rodeo Market, Supp, $142.71; Triple R Tire, Rep, $125.00; Truck Center Co., Parts, $512.95; Uptown Cooking Creations, Serv, $600.00; US Bank, Fuel/Parts/Supp, $810.11; Van Diest Supply Co., Supp, $1,559.70; Verizon, Serv, $785.95; Verizon Wireless, Serv, $202.37; Village of Chambers, Serv, $90.00; Warp Networks, Serv, $60.99; Welsh Welding & Repair, Parts/Rep, $429.50; Westend Mini Mart, Fuel, $380.04; White's Service, Fuel, $612.12; Wm. Krotter Co., Parts/Supp/Tools, $649.23; WPCI, Serv, $198.00 

Visitor's Promotion Fund Claim Total:  $10,203.83: Atkinson Chamber of Commerce, Quilt Walk, $275.00; Atkinson-Ettes, 2023 Hay Days, $500.00; Chambers Chamber of Commerce, 4th Of July, $650.00; Keogh 501 Memorial Golf Tournament, Sponsorship, $1,000.00; Nebraska Life, Advertising, $5,503.00; News Channel Nebraska, Drone Videos, $375.00; North Central Nebraska Arts Council, Summer Artfest, $800.00; O'Neill Chamber of Commerce, Contract Labor, $1,100.83

Stop Program Fund Claim Total:  $400.00: Rev-Tac Firearm Instruction, Pistol Training, $400.00 

COVID American Rescue Plan Fund Claim Total:  $91,241.27: Mitchell Equipment, Equipment, $36,300.00; NMC, Equipment, $20,597.50; Platte Valley Communications, Tower, $34,343.77 

Law Enforcement Contract Fund Claim Total:  $3,049.60: J&L Collision Center, 5159 Sheriff, $3,049.60 

Other Debt Service Fund Claim Total:  $1,156,585.00: BOKF, NA, Bond Payment, $1,156,585.00 

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Paxton, as per State Statute 13-329 to donate the 1967 Kaiser Jeep that has not been used for many years to the Chambers American Legion Post #320 to be used throughout the County for public use, this vehicle was acquired through the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 1988. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Breiner, Paxton and Tielke. Voting Nay: None.  Abstain: Frahm. Absent: Neiman. Motion carried.

Ben Fuller and Brent Niese with Summit Carbon Solutions Pipeline presented a project update to the Board.  

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Breiner, to approve the Right of Way permit for Jim Galyen for electrical cable for irrigation in SE ¼ 1-31-14. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None.  Absent: Neiman. Motion carried.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Treptow, to set a bid date for July 31, 2023, at 11:00 A.M. for guardrail repairs located between Sections 8 & 9-15-33. Voting Aye: Keyes, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None.  Absent: Neiman. Motion carried.

Road Superintendent Gary Connot presented his Department Activity Report.

Chairman Tielke adjourned the meeting at 12:20 P.M. until June 30, 2023, at 9:15 A.M.

William J. Tielke, Chairman

Cathy Pavel, Clerk

Published June 29, 2023              26



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Holt County Board of Supervisors Proceedings (06-29-2023)

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