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Holt County Board of Supervisors Proceedings (05-04-2023)

May 3, 2023 (0)

April 27, 2023

O'Neill, Nebraska

The Holt County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with all members present. County Assessor Tim Wallinger, County Treasurer Shelly Ross and County Clerk Cathy Pavel were also in attendance. This meeting publicized pursuant to Section 84-1411 R.R.S. 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on April 20, 2023, in the Atkinson Graphic.

Chairman Frahm convened the meeting at 9:31 A.M. with the flag salute.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Breiner, to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2023, meeting as printed. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Chairman Frahm convened a public hearing at 9:32 A.M. to receive public comment on the Motor Vehicle Tax Exemption Applications on file for: Avera St. Anthony's Hospital on a 2015 & 2016 Chevy Impala; Building Blocks for Community Enrichment on a 2013 Chevy Impala and 2017 & 2019 Chevy Malibu; Bright Horizons on a 2016 Ford Escape; First United Methodist Church on a 2007 Freightliner; Valley Hope Association on a 2012 Ford Fusion.No one appeared to comment.

Motion by Tielke, 2nd by Paxton, to adjourn from the public hearing at 9:36 A.M. and return to regular session. Voting Aye: Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke, Treptow and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Breiner, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the Motor Vehicle Tax Exemption Applications on file for: Avera St. Anthony's Hospital on a 2015 & 2016 Chevy Impala; Building Blocks for Community Enrichment on a 2013 Chevy Impala and 2017 & 2019 Chevy Malibu; Bright Horizons on a 2016 Ford Escape; First United Methodist Church on a 2007 Freightliner; Valley Hope Association on a 2012 Ford Fusion.Voting Aye: Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke, Treptow, Keyes and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Chairman Frahm adjourned the meeting at 9:37 A.M.

Doug Frahm, Chairman

Cathy Pavel, Clerk

April 27, 2023

O'Neill, Nebraska

The Holt County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment with all members present. This meeting publicized pursuant to Section 84-1411 R.R.S. 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on April 20, 2023, in the Atkinson Graphic.

Chairman Tielke convened the meeting at 9:45 A.M. and informed the public of the location of the Open Meeting Poster.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Neiman, to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2023, meeting as printed. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

The Board acknowledged receipt of the TIF annual reports from the cities of O'Neill and Atkinson.

The Board held a phone conference with O'Neill Fire Chief Roger Miller to discuss the possibility of the O'Neill Airport becoming a permanent site for refilling a Single Engine Air Tanker (SEAT fire plane) with fire retardant.

9:50 A.M. time was allowed for public comment. Dan Pribil was present for public comment.

The Board reviewed claims on file.

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Neiman, to approve the installation of a new account with Verizon Network Fleet for the Weed Department and the Weed Board will have viewing ability. Voting Aye: Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Keyes, approve the bid from D&J Construction LLC, Atkinson NE to remove and repair all tin and  trim on exterior walls and roof and  replace the garage doors of the Weed Department shop building and all salvage material will stay with the County. Voting Aye: Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Neiman, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the Resolution for the Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for the Atkinson Southeast BRO-7045(37) package as prepared. Voting Aye: Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Breiner, to approve the Right of Way permits for David Thome for electrical cable for irrigation in Sections 10 & 11-28-10 and for Ryan Garwood for livestock waterline in Sections 14 & 15-26-12 and Sections 15 & 22-26-12. Voting Aye: Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Keyes, to increase the wage for Rod Carr $2.00 per hour due to increased responsibilities. Voting Aye: Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton and Tielke.  Voting Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Road Superintendent Gary Connot presented his Department Activity Report.

Discussion was held on installing 911 signs in Holt County.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Treptow, to allow the direct deposit payroll and other related claims. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Neiman, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

General Fund Payroll Total: $219,813.59

Road Fund Payroll Total: $145,453.82

  Law Enforcement Fund Claim Total: $3,701.92

Payroll Expenses: 142,727.71: Internal Revenue, Payroll Tax, 81,968.88; Nebraska Department of Revenue, Payroll Tax, 12,941.74; Meritain Health, Insurance, 2,350.00; Nebraska Child Support Payment , Wage Assignment, 370.00; Ameritas, Retirement, 39,589.96; AFLAC, Insurance, 3,070.48; Liberty Insurance, Insurance, 445.98; Ameritas Insurance, Insurance, 255.92; Appeara, Uniform, 100.44; Colonial Life, Insurance, 1,634.31

Chairman Tielke adjourned the meeting at 12:14 P.M. until May 16, 2023, at 9:45 A.M.

William J. Tielke, Chairman

Cathy Pavel, Clerk

Published May 4, 2023                  18


________________________________ _______________________________

   William J. Tielke, Chairman         Cathy Pavel, Clerk


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Holt County Board of Supervisors Proceedings (05-04-2023)

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