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HCAS Raises Almost $12,000 During Fundraiser So Far

Mar 29, 2023 (0)

Kris From Jordan's Way took a photo with everyone who participated in Thursday's events. This includes the HCAS staff, as well as visitors and donors.

The Holt County Animal Shelter was recently visited by Kris from Jordan's Way. Kris and his team have been making their way around the U.S. in the hopes of raising money and awareness for the homeless dogs that shelters like this one take in and care for.

The event lasted from 6:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 23. There were a wide variety of fun-filled events, such as throwing pies, breaking people out of doggy jail through donations, hamburgers for the dogs, and more. 

Most importantly, however, this was a great experience for the dogs at HCAS. They got to see a ton of new faces and got some exposure in the community and online.

So far, donations total almost $12,000! This will be such a massive help in not only caring for the dogs, but also in keeping the facility in which they live clean and habitable. Donations are still coming in, and the fundraiser is still live on Facebook at

Shelter manager, Diana Kohl, says, "I want to thank everyone that donated and everyone that came down to participate in the challenges. It was an amazing evening and we are so grateful to you all. If you didn't get a chance to donate, there's still time. You can donate through the link on our fundraiser post, mail your donation in, or stop down and drop it off with staff. Again, thank you all so very much!"


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Holt County Animal Shelter

Jordan's Way

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