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Good And Bollwitt Honored At Ewing Funfest Celebration

May 29, 2024 (0)

EWING FUNFEST HALL OF FAME RECIPIENT - Marilyn Good was inducted into the Ewing Hall of Fame on Sunday, May 26. Josh Napier and Chantelle Dempster of Ewing Young Members Club.
EWING FUNFEST HALL OF FAME RECIPIENT - Doris Ann Bollwitt was inducted into the Ewing Hall of Fame on Sunday, May 26. by Josh Napier and Chantelle Dempster of Ewing Young Members Club.

Two couples were honored on Sunday, May 26 as they were inducted into the Ewing Hall of Fame after the Funfest Parade. Honored this year were James and Marilyn Good and Fred and Doris Ann Bollwitt.

James (Jimmie) and Marilyn Good, married Nov. 16, 1957. They have 8 kids, 29 grandkids, 55 great grandkids and one great-great -grandchild. Jim started working at the Ewing Public School in 1970 as a custodian and bus driver. Marilyn joined him as a team duo in 1980. They worked hand in hand until Jim retired in 1998. Marilyn was a custodian as well as cook and went to head cook in 2003. Jim started the elementary basketball program in 1971 until his death. They put on an elementary basketball tournament for years and Marilyn made all the food for it. When Jim passed away they had a scholarship for 10 years giving back to the kids. Marilyn retired from the school in 2009. Jim was involved in the Legion for 37 years, Marilyn was not in the auxiliary but brought food for all the legion functions for 25 years. She is famous for her baking, between homemade bread to her famous cinnamon rolls for so many people in Ewing and surrounding communities. They were members of Concordia Lutheran Church in Clearwater and Marilyn is still a member there. All of her kids are so honored of the accomplishment they have gave to Ewing.

Fred and Doris Ann were both born and raised in Ewing, Fred was born in 1932 to Carl and Millie Bollwitt, Doris Ann was born in 1938 to Ewald and Theresa Spahn. They both attended Ewing Public Schools; Fred graduated in 1949, Doris in 1955. Fred was drafted into the United States Army and was stationed in Germany during the Korean conflict.  Doris attended Wayne State College receiving a certificate in education. She then taught for three years in rural schools in the Ewing area.

  Fred and Doris Ann were married in 1958 at which time they took over the family farm which has been in the family for 125 continuous years. Fred was involved in the Ewing Community, where he served on the council for the Methodist Church and was instrumental in the design and construction of the current United Methodist Presbyterian Church. In addition he was an active member of the American Legion Sanders post 214. Being very proud of the Ewing Tigers, Fred, along with other members of the community, started the original Ewing Booster Club, of which Fred was the first president.

  Doris Ann has served the Ewing community in numerous ways over the years. She was a member of the Ewing Community Club whose members were the driving force in the start of our Ewing Memorial Park that greets people as they drive onto the main street of Ewing. Many summer evenings she can be found pulling weeds and planting flowers to help maintain this beautiful park. In 2002 she and Helen Burk were recognized by the Knights of Aksarben and the Omaha World Herald with the Good Neighbor Award for their work at Memorial Park.

  Doris Ann has been an active member of the United Methodist Presbyterian Church and has served as the church organist / pianist for 65 years. She has shared her musical talents at countless funerals/ weddings, Memorial Day services and accompanied for numerous school music concerts and contests! In addition to her musical talents Doris Ann is an exceptional seamstress. She is known far and wide for her sewing skills whether it's a pair of jeans that needs mending or a wedding, bridesmaid or prom dress that needs altered, she is the lady to see.  In addition to jeans and dresses she has sewn banners and altered school uniforms.  She always finds a way to make things fit right!

  Doris Ann has also been involved in the American Legion Auxiliary (the Legion BBQs wouldn't be the same without her barbecue sauce) She has helped plan both the Sunset Banquet and the Alumni Banquet. She has served on the Election Board and then the Bloodmobile chairperson for several years! Doris Ann has been involved with the Sunset Store since its beginnings! She believes in helping whenever and however she can to keep the town of Ewing alive.


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