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Fly-In And Airshow To Be Held During Summerfest Weekend

Jun 12, 2024 (0)

O'NEILL AIRSHOW will be held on July 19 through July 20 at the O'Neill Airport. A North American Mitchell B-25 Devil Dog will be participating in the show.

This year's O'Neill Summerfest will have an added bit of fun to the event. On July 19th - 20th, the O'Neill Airport will host the Nebraska State Fly-In and Airshow.

  This show has no entry fee to get in but a free-will donation is asked to help with the cost of the event which is brought to you by local donors as well as the Nebraska Aviation Council 804, who aim to get people all around Nebraska interested in aviation in some form. Whether it be getting someone interested as a potential career, or just having fun, the airshow is a perfect show for everyone of all ages.

The event in O'Neill will be quite a treat as usually the event is held at larger venues. Last year's event was held in Grand Island, but through the work of airport manager Neilan Shunkwiler and his staff, the Airshow will be hosted here.  

The event will start on Friday, July 19 with a night time air show and fire works. On Saturday, July 20 the day will begin at 8 a.m with a fly in breakfast which is open to the public. Aviation enthusiasts from all over  the nation will fly in for the event and have their aircraft on display for the public to view. Everything from  the smallest passenger planes to World War II area aircraft will be present. Even rides in the World War II North American Mitchell B-25 being offered for the price of a ticket. There will be food vendors as well as other items for sale  in one of the hangers. During the air show the air space around O'Neill will be shutdown as some of the air planes will be doing aerial acrobats and there may be F-16s from the South Dakota Air Guard doing a flyby.

You can get up close and personal with all kinds of different makes and models of planes and helicopters, as well as learn some interesting facts about them. There are also games for kids to play, so look around - you'll be sure to find something interesting!

Coming to O'Neill are The Vangaurd Squadron and Pilots Tom Larkin, Rich Dawe, Doug Roth, Danny Sorensen and Erik Edgren. This will be a unique experience for the area, and it's one you're not going to want to miss.


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