Eagles Break Even Against Crofton

Last Friday, Jan. 3, the Eagles traveled to Crofton to face ...


Eagles Fall To Wayne 49-14

Oct 20, 2021 Updated Feb 8, 2022 (0)

The O'Neill Eagles traveled to Wayne last Friday to end their road games for the year falling 49-14. The Eagles ran 58 plays for 18 first downs and had five penalties for 35 yards. The Blue Devils ran 44 plays for 12 first downs and had four penalties for 25 yards. Landon Classen led the Eagles rushing with 12 carries for 50 yards, Fabian Acevedo five carries for 34 yards, Pryor Mathews five carries for 25 yards and one touchdown and Karter Reed five carries for 25 yards Clay Shaw led the Eagles in receiving with five catches for 47 yards, Drew Morrow three catches for 46 yards, Sean Coventry two catches for 21 yards, Dylan Parks one catch for seven yards and Hunter Wilson one catch for six yards. Salvador Rodriguez led the Eagle defense with five tackles, Coventry four tackles, Brady Eichelberger, Morrow, Mathews and Holden Jenkins all with three tackles each, Ryder Pokorny, Classen and Walker Peter one tackle each, Shaw, Dominic Hamilton and Noah Shabram one tackle each. Dominic Hamilton had one punt return for a touchdown and Hunter Wilson had one two point conversion after the Mathews touchdown. The Eagles will play Boone Central for their last game of the 2021 season.


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