Council Discusses Range Of Topics At Monday ...

The O'Neill City Council met on Monday, Dec. 9, with all mem...


City of O'Neill Proceedings (3-16-2023)

Mar 14, 2023 (0)

A regular meeting of the Mayor and the City Council of O'Neill was held at the City Hall in said City on the 6th day of March, 2023 at 6:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Scott Menish, City Attorney Boyd Strope, City Clerk/Treasurer Sarah Sidak, Council President Tim Schneider and Council members; Susie Kramer, Michelle Liewer, Kayla Burdick, Paul Asche, Quana Wheeler, Beth Walsh and Tim Gleason.     

Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof according to Section 84-1408 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was given to the Mayor and all members of the Council and a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Menish. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Menish informed the public of the location of the Open Meetings Act poster.

Moved by Kramer, second by Schneider to waive the readings of the minutes of the February 6th meeting and approve them as if read. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Schneider, second by Wheeler to approve Casey's liquor license manager application for Christopher Sieck. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Walsh, second by Kramer to open the 2023 One and Six Year Street Plan public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

O'Neill, Nebraska

(M 466)

1-Year Plan – 2023

Project No. — Description — Estimated Cost

228 — North 1st Street, Hynes Avenue to 1,300' +/- North, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving only, no storm sewer, rural cross section. — $466,670

238 — 8th Street, Benton Street to Douglas Street, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving. — $287,350

244 — Intersection of Salebarn Road and Pioneer Road, Expand intersection, construct 10” P.C. concrete paving — $267,670

245 — John Street, Archer Street to 1st Street, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving — $95,650

247 — 3rd Street, Francis Street to Davis Street, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving — $174,950

251 — 9th Street, John Street to Adams Street, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving — $170,025

253 — Drainage ditch along 7th Street from S. Fitch Blvd. to river, Ongoing maintenance, cleaning, grading — $24,000

254 — Hynes Avenue from Highway 281 west to Eagle Street, Armor coating — $40,600

6-Year Plan – 2022 to 2028

209 — Morton Street, Douglas to Fremont Street, Construct storm sewer & inlets — $348,661

210 — Fremont Street, Cleveland Street to Jefferson Street, Construct storm sewer & inlets — $326,764

211 — Cleveland Street, Douglas Street to Fremont Street, Construct storm sewer & inlets — $209,204

212 — Everett Street, Cleveland Street to Harrison Street, Construct storm sewer & inlets — $181,285

226 — 8th Street, Adams Street to Williams Street, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving, storm sewer & inlets — $312,390

239 — Repair Outfall East Side 281, Between Fitch and Hancock, Grading, rip-rap, mitigate maintenance and erosion. — $62,650

243 — 7th Street Drainage, Grant Street to Douglas Street, Construct storm sewer outfall for future drainage capacity — $1,515,500

255 — 2nd Street, Adams Street to Hynes Avenue, Construct 6” P.C. concrete paving — $552,950

No public comment was made.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kramer to close the 2023 One and Six Year Street Plan. Roll call vote as follows:  All Ayes. Motion carried.

City Council member Kramer introduced Resolution No. 23-2 which is on file with the City Clerk.




WHEREAS, Section 39-2115 and Section 39-2119, 1969, C.S.-R.S. of Nebraska 1943 requires that each County and Municipality prepares a one and six year, specific road or street improvement plan and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of O'Neill in compliance with the statutes and regulations of the State Highway Commission, did hold a public hearing on that proposed one and six year specific street improvement plans in the City Hall on March 6, 2023, in accordance with the "Notice of Public Hearing," a certified copy of such notice is attached, and

WHEREAS, there were no objections filed with the City Clerk and as presented at the hearing now,

WHEREAS, there were no amendments made to the one and six year plan on file with the City Clerk and as presented at the hearing now,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby approve said one and six year plan, as filed with the City Clerk, a copy of which is attached hereto,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of the City Council and City Council hereby approves the proposed one and six year plan.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of March, 2023.






Moved by Wheeler to adopt Resolution No. 23-2. Roll call vote as follows:  All Ayes. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sidak informed the Council that the LB840 Finance Committee met and decided the following: PIP-LB840-147 was tabled, PIP-LB840-148 was denied and 05-LB840-23 was approved.

Moved by Wheeler, second by Kramer to approve 05-LB840-23 for building acquisition in the amount of $69,500.00. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Schneider, second by Asche to approve adding 1st Street from Hynes Avenue South to the Emergency Snow Route and removing 8th Street from Donegal Street to Kildare Drive. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Burdick, second by Asche to approve the increase of $35,865 for the new sewer jet that was approved in November 2021. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

The Council tabled making any changes to the food truck regulations until the next meeting.

Moved by Gleason, second by Walsh to approve the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote as follows:  Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Liewer, second by Walsh to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by Scott Menish. Roll call vote as follows:  All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Wheeler, second by Liewer to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by O'Neill Lumber. Roll call vote as follows:  Aye; Asche, Wheeler, Kramer, Burdick, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: None. Abstain: Schneider. Motion carried.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kramer to approve the remaining bills. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.


Payroll, salary 158,166.83 FED & FICA, tax 35,805.20

American Family, ins 1,660.56 Black Hills Energy, util 4,333.94

BlueCrossBlueShield, ins 49,221.79

Colonial life, ins 563.10

Contingent Fund, su 847.22 Guardian, ins 1,883.27

John Hancock, pension 8,311.78 NE Dept. of Revenue, tax 5,718.79

NPPD, util 15,960.38 NT&T, phone 808.58

Ogden's, su 283.86 Quadient Finance, postage 1,000.00

Ranchland Auto, su 1,265.73 Reiser Insurance, ins 17,281.00

Unum, ins 235.01 Verizon, phone 738.37

Wex Bank, fuel 13,743.58 GENERAL FUND

Above the Garage, fees 599.00 Appeara, su 593.20

Avera Medical Group, ser 707.00 Bullseye Fire Sprinkler, ser 496.10

Century Link, phone 57.53 Cold Roll Industrial, su 1,649.00

Danko Emergency, su 675.00 Dearborn Life, ins 96.32

Ecolab Pest, ser 75.00 Emergency Medical, su 656.94

Floor Maintenance, su 466.34 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 347.25

GreatPlains Small Engine,ser 698.25

Hollman Media, ser 19.95

Holt Co Clerk, ser 414.26 Holt Co Independent, ad 361.71

Island Supply Welding, su 52.80

KBRX, ad 7.50

LB840 Fund, pmt 36,984.26 Scott Menish, ser 100.00

Midwest Connect, su 610.00 Midwest Service&Sales, su 1,017.79

One Office, su 97.39 O'Neill Lumber, su 145.80

Precision IT, ser 107.00 Dori Rich, clean 885.00

Schaecher Electric, ser 815.24 Smoke It Welding, ser 245.77

Strope, fees 810.00 POLICE FUND

Century Link, phone 64.22 Jackolyn Collier, clean, su 160.00

Krotter Home & Auto, su 195.76 Beverly McConnell, ser 84.00

O'Neill Car Wash, ser 6.65 Pinnacle Bank, su 48.67

Strope, fees 399.00

Town & Country Autobody, su 140.00


Appeara, su 310.68 BOKF, pmt 18,438.75

Bomgaars, su 360.63 Emme Enterprises, ser 3,730.00

MercedesBenz Finance, pmt 27,636.30

Netcom, su 520.00

Olsson, fees 11,669.95 O'Neill Auto, su 35.28


Bomgaars, su 293.69 Farmer's Pride, fuel 1,091.18

HACH, su 762.86 Hutcheson Engineering, su 532.94

Mid-Iowa Solid Waste, su 1,143.30 Midwest Labs, ser 163.42

Olsson, fees 8,472.50 One Call, ser 2.59

O'Neill Electric, ser 1,204.15 Seger & Sons Repair, ser 397.55

Smoke It Welding, ser 35.00 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,598.56

Torpin's, su 16.17 Dale Waterman, ser 553.11


Badger Meter, ser 1,278.20 Bomgaars, su 248.40

City Utility Deposit, re 440.00 Fedex, ser 110.42

Hawkins, su 2,841.30 Municipal Supply, su 132.10

NE Public Health, tests 146.00 NE Rural Water, fees 790.00

NE Support, pmt 363.68 Niobrara Valley, util *

Olsson, fees 2,345.23 One Call, ser 2.59

Pinnacle Bank, su 331.54 Super Foods, su 24.99

Tax Commissioner, tax 624.79 Torpin's, su 29.09

USA Blue Book, su 1,001.14 SOLID WASTE FUND

A&J Towing, ser 683.25 Accounts Management, pmt 466.46

AKRS, su 189.02 Bomgaars, su 248.49

Butler Co. Landfill, fee 34,343.63 Caterpillar Financial, pmt 24,852.83

Connot Tire, ser 260.55 Elliott Equip, su 179.26

Holt Co Independent, ad 25.88 Kansas Pmt Center, pmt 75.70

Linweld, su 36.62 Niobrara Valley, util *

Olsson, fees 43.01 One Office, su 143.36

Dori Rich, clean 300.00 Truck Center, su 2,990.27


KBRX, ad 15.00 Strope, fees 2,636.00



Moved by Kramer, second by Schneider to adjourn. Roll call vote as follows:  All Ayes. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:54 P.M.






Published March 16, 2023            11



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City of O'Neill Proceedings (3-16-2023)

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