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City Meets In Regular Session

Dec 6, 2023 (0)

  The O'Neill City Council met Monday for the December council meeting with all members except council woman Quana Wheeler.

The council tabled a request until more information was available for the lowering of tipping fees made from the group that is tearing down the old Town House property to dispose of the waste from the project.

The council moved to the next item which was approving Christopher Kizzire for the Ambulance and Fire Department.

The council approved the bids for the municipal water improvements in the amount of $509,058. The council also discussed purchasing a strip of land adjacent to the city road shed owned by Ken Musil.

Sarah Sidak, O'Neill City Clerk reported that she was working on submitting a letter of request to the Boyd-Holt E-911 board on behalf of the city of O'Neill as well as Atkinson, Stuart, Chambers, Ewing and Page to attain information on why the rates are so high and have gone up so quickly. The E-991 board did not  reply to the city of O'Neill's previous request for information from the last meeting and hopes that all the municipalities will get the information they are requesting.

Tim Schneider was reappointed the O'Neill City Council President for 2024 as well as the approval of the 2024 mayors appointments and liaisons.

The council adjourned shortly before 7 p.m. For the night.


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City Council


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