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Aurora Borealis Visible In Nebraska On Sunday, April 23, 2023

Apr 26, 2023 (0)

The Northern Lights, as seen on Sunday, April 23, 2023. Photo courtesy Mark Urwiller.

People living in more than a half-dozen states could see a dazzling and surprising display of the Northern Lights this last weekend. It's was an"exceptional" event. The dancing green glow of the aurora borealis was reported in several states, including Washington state, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota, North Dakota and Nebraska.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center's aurora forecast cited "stronger than anticipated" influences that helped make the  event a widespread spectacle in the northern U.S.

"On Sunday, April 23 things cranked up about 11:30 p.m.  The display encompassed the entire northern sky from NE to NW and rose about 20 degrees past the zenith. It was constantly changing and pulsating like a distant lightning storm! The sky was perfectly clear of clouds and the wind stayed less than 10 mph." said Mark Urwiller, Honey Creek Observatory Director

President, Platte Valley Astronomical Observers.


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Aurora Borealis

Honey Creek Observatory

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