STUART 4TH OF JULY PARADE GRAND MARSHALL was Edith "Punk" Steinhauser. +8 GREATER SANDHILLS FAMILY HEALTHCARE had a Wizard of OZ theme. Dr. Joel Welshons was the great OZ. +8 AMY HALSEY coordinates the turtle races during the "2024, Chambers 4th of July Celebration, Old Fashioned Hometown Fun for Everyone!" There was a total of 128 turtles registered to race on Thursday, July 4th, 2024. Photo courtesy Monique Gamage, BA- Visual Journalist
+8 CHAMBERS AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, CHAPTER #320 won first place as the most patriotic float (on float were, Darlene Reiner, Bette Bates, Sandra Holmoka, Kathryn Dexter and Margie Williamson) in the Chamber 4th of July Parade as part of the "2024, 4th of July Celebration, Old Fashioned Hometown Fun or Everyone!" on Thursday, July 4th, 2024. Photo courtesy Monique Gamage, BA- Visual Journalist +8 KAUP'S FINANCIAL ADVISORS had a Wizard of OZ float with Scott Kaup and his grandchildren as other characters of the movie. +8 TOM SAWYER AND HUCK FINN took part in the Stuart 4th of July parade. +8 STUART BRONCO DRILL TEAM performed a dance as part of their participation in the Stuart 4th of July parade. +8 THE GHOST BUSTERS walked through the Stuart 4th of July parade. +8 CAUY DUBA OF CHAMBER, NE releases balls for the Ping Pong Ball Drop during the"2024, 4th of July Celebration, Old Fashioned Hometown Fun or Everyone!" on Thursday, July 4th, 2024, in Chambers, NE. Photo courtesy Monique Gamage, BA- Visual Journalist
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