The Nebraska Legislature convened for the 2025 Legislative Session on Monday Jan. 13 for the 109th Legislature. The following is a response on planning for the 2025 Legislation from the Nebraska Republican Party. Citizens seek representation from those who have sought their vote and campaign dollars promising to be their constituencies voice. Republican voters desire principles and policies first instead of politics and personalities that stand in the way of a better and brighter future. When the Republican platform is advocated for and our Constitutional rights are protected, ALL of Nebraska wins. The future of Nebraska is in children's education Education should help prepare our children for the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. We have a responsibility to empower Nebraska families with quality education options that nurture our children's God given talents and strengthen our communities. • Set standards allowing parents to protect children from indoctrination and pornography • Protect privacy in school bathrooms to respect biological gender • Call for the Enforcement of the Americanism clause of Nebraska statute and embrace the 1776 commission to rebuild the love of country • Support policies that rebuild the commitment and focus to the basics of education • Empower parents to choose the best education by funding students instead of school systems • Expand school choice by including K-12 schools in the Nebraska educational savings plan • Preserve parents right to see all curriculum materials in every class their child attends • Eliminate Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology from school curriculum • Eliminate funding for DEI initiatives and the subsequent administrative positions• Eliminate “Equity” initiatives and pursue opportunity and meritocracy policies • End the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education • Mandate that teachers be given information on availability of choices of vendors for liability insurance • Eliminate Media literacy and digital citizenship classes from our education system designed to censor and discriminate against neutral and conservative sources in favor of left-wing propaganda “approved” sources commitment to prolife and constitutional freedoms COMMITMENT TO PROLIFE & CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS The basic purpose of government is, as the Declaration of Independence states, to secure our unalienable, God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America was founded on the timeless and universal truth of humanity that “all men are created equal.” Today these rights are under threat from an array of leftist sources, and we must continue our state government's commitment to freedom, equality under the law, and self-governance.• Protect the unborn child, restrict abortion, and honor the sanctity of every human life Page 1 of 5 • Defend our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, stand our ground, and self defense • Adopt the Sports and Spaces Act to defend women and preserve fairness in women's sports• Defend the Nebraska Constitution that prohibits eminent domain actions for private corporations that will be used to expand Green New Deal initiatives and land acquisition in Nebraska• Protect our right to work and religious freedom by banning ID chip and vaccine mandates • Support laws protecting our political free speech and prohibit infringement by corporations • Support strong checks against Executive Branch actions violating the freedoms of Americans• Stand strongly against spying on Americans and other fourth amendment infringements over the people. Make a strong economy that works for All Nebraskans. Economic success is fueled by the drive of empowered people aspiring to achieve their dreams, provide for their families, and further prosperity for their communities. Our Nation declared its independence to fight back against an overbearing government that subordinated the freedom and prosperity of individual citizens. Our founders sought to unleash the power of entrepreneurship and free enterprise. We seek legislation that will grow our state's economy and provide hope and prosperity lifting up families and communities across the state. Nebraskans are drowning in taxes from all three levels. An overhaul of the tax code is in order. • Hard caps on political subdivision taxation increases that exceed cost of living index and population growth numbers• All voter approved spending cap increases must be voted on at a general election. Use of an emergency special election for spending increases must be capped at 3% • Advocate for EPIC principles of broadening the tax base to Constitutionally 100% eliminate (not reduce) tax categories (Income, Inheritance, Property, Corporate) 100% • Pass a Cost-Of-Living-Adjustment growth lid for property taxes on homes. This will reduce the impact on Seniors, keeping them in their homes • Expand apprenticeship programs and promote trade schools to build Nebraska's workforce • “Free the Bakers” continued restrictions on consumer-to-consumer sales to protect big business distribution channels need to be eliminated. Americans need to be freed, and home based businesses are important income generators and entrepreneurship incubators • Address dangerous Communist countries ownership of American land • Encourage domestic energy expansion at every level to lower our energy costs to include 4thgeneration nuclear• Secure the electric grid with wise investments into traditional electric infrastructure• Reject eminent domain claims to “Secure the grid” via “Green New Deal” initiatives in the name of power security • Push for the expansion of essential goods to be made in Nebraska and USA over imports • Eliminate ESG movements grounded in leftist ideology hampering our economy • Reduce the number of state regulations when its economic cost exceeds its intended benefit • Examine insurance regulations and regulatory departments to address government hindrances to underwriters backing out of the state in key insurance markets • Assess more efficiency with TERC (Tax Equalization and Review Commission) to speed up tax protest hearings and alleviate the backlog of cases provide safe communities so our families can live in peace The rule of law is indispensable to our great state. However, it is impossible for Nebraskans to be safe and secure with the increasing rate of violent crime in our state. State and local governments must meet their basic duty of providing public safety, ensuring that every Nebraskan enjoys a safe and secure community. • Support policies to reinstate and rebuild National Guard levels to pre covid numbers. Address laws that decimated our force via Federal mandates (example: Health Freedom)• Address poverty and mental health issues negatively impacting our urban and rural areas. Move findings from the study done by the state into action • Support federal legislation that would force drug companies to offer prices the rest of the world is paying • Support America First policies to enable needed drug production in America• Maintain current restrictions on felons voting for a period following their release • Remove illegal immigrants from voting rolls • Secure the border. Support a “No” vote on any budget that does not secure the border • Support stricter interpretations of citizenship eligibility • Encourage the federal delegation to support new legislation ending welfare for illegal immigrants permanently • Prioritize legislation that uses our resources both financially and militarily to secure our border before the borders of those around the world• Support the death penalty for drug traffickers and child smugglers • At the local level, attack tent cities in legislation/ordinances• Engage in drug/health correction efforts for the homeless• Enable state patrol and national guard members to interdict drugs and stop human trafficking • Protect us against the drug crisis flowing through our southern border by strengthening penalties for crimes involving drugs in these areas• Support President Trump's efforts towards achieving peace and avoiding war • Demand votes by Congress on international conflict (war) and treaties as called for by our Constitution • Promote hand-count, same-day voting, and paper ballots. GROW OUR AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY AND EXPAND ENERGY PRODUCTION Agri-business is vital to Nebraska's economy and domestic ownership of our natural resources are a matter of national security. Ingenuity and entrepreneurialism have transformed our Ag products into a “best in class” world recognized commodity. Policies providing abundant and affordable energy for Nebraska's homes, communities and industries will enable our products to be competitive on the world stage. • End the legal ability for NRD's to try and play “God” and attempt to modify the weather. Governmental manipulation of weather opens taxpayers up to liability of lawsuits due to weather damage • Expand upon Senator Dekay's and Harden's legislation to provide greater restrictions on leasing and owning of farmland by adversarial foreign nations • Continue to Emphasize EPIC Tax planks that DO NOT tax business inputs like AG machinery, seed, etc.• Build on the success of infrastructure development in the 2022 plan placing, emphasis on bridges in disarray • Keep a tight eye on broadband deployment work to deliver on promises made. MAKE OUR ELECTIONS SECURE BY MAKING IT HARD TO CHEAT The foundation of our self-governance is liberty, and the core expression of the people's liberty is the ability to cast their ballots in free and fair elections. Every eligible Nebraska voter should have the opportunity to cast one ballot, at one time, that is counted once. Anything that fails this simple test is a failure of the system, and people committing voter fraud must be held accountable. The failure of trust in our elections is having catastrophic consequences with the people.• Winner Take All legislation must be passed.• Strengthen Voter ID laws• Drastically reduce mail-in voting policies which encourage fraud• Allow citizens at the county level to determine how their votes are tabulated • Improve chain of custody processes• Require all local political subdivision elections be held on even year election cycles• Adopt ballot security measures to ensure that no counterfeit ballot is counted • Increase voter confidence in elections by more transparent accessibility to ballots, voter rolls, changes in voter rolls, and cast vote records MODERNIZE NEBRASKA LEGISLATIVE RULES TO REFLECT “WE THE PEOPLE” The integrity of the Nebraska Unicameral has been eroded by outdated rules that do not promote best practices for legislation and the needs of its citizens. It is way overdue for legislators to change their procedural rules to make the legislative process fairer and more efficient. • Change the cloture vote requirement to 30. The number to override a Governor or a minority group in the legislature should be the same• Revisit the rule changes proposed by Senator Erdman's office. • Require open and transparent senator votes when electing legislative committee chairs • Require all legislative fiscal notes be made publicly available three days prior to a hearing • Make the Unicameral a partisan body so voters know their senator's party allegiance Page 4 of 5. IMPROVE TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY Nebraska is known for its unique Unicameral legislature where “The salvation of the state is watchfulness in the citizen.” To this end, the role of the citizen requires additional responsibilities of oversight that cannot be fulfilled without transparency in the legislative process. “Watchfulness in the citizen” is also fulfilled through an increased ability to hold those agencies and persons enacting or administering the law accountable for their actions. • Increase funding of State Auditor's Office. Ending Government waste is a priority• Offer whistleblower incentive for those reporting fraud that is later found and results in criminal conviction • Reform Lobbying Laws to promote more transparency and timely reporting • • Prohibit certain officeholders and public employees from being a lobbyist • Require a copy of lobbying contract for lobbyist registration • Prohibit a political subdivision from using taxes or fees to employ a lobbyist • Require a more timely statement of activity regarding certain lobbying activity. (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.